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Bits & Pretzels. Redesign.
Everything white-blue in Bavaria; white sausages on the plate, blue people in the Biergarten – cliché!

In reality, everything is much more colourful. Thanks to the chic design that Rocket & Wink tailored for the cliché-free people from Bits & Pretzels in true founder fashion. Six, in words SECHS colours were used. And then used as horizontal stripes to apply extra Gemütlichkeit. In short: A multi-coloured appearance, which may not let Bavarians vote on a change of the coat of arms, but at least makes them think about it briefly.
Please join us on instagram or visit our homepage.
Or buy limited design stuff in the rocket & wink supermarket.
Bits & Pretzels. Redesign.


Bits & Pretzels. Redesign.
